Maureen Barrett
Maureen Barrett

- Doctor of Physical Therapy, The College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minn., 2017
- Master of Science in Physical Therapy, Springfield College, Springfield, Mass., 1993
Maureen Barrett has practiced in a variety of settings over her career, with the majority of time spent in sub-acute rehabilitation, long-term acute care, and home health care. She developed a passion for treating the medically complex patient and went on to become a certified wound specialist (CWS) in order to better serve her clients. Ms. Barrett has been integrally involved in clinical education throughout her career as a clinical instructor and site coordinator. Ms. Barrett now serves as the associate director of clinical education. She has become involved with community mobility programs and is a certified Walk With Ease leader.
- Clinical Readiness: the transfer and integration of knowledge
- PT Management of Patients w/Integument Conditions
- Clinical Education: Integrated and Full-Time experiences
- Professional Practice Issues
- Certified Wound Care Specialist (CWS)
- American Physical Therapy Association
- New England Consortium of Clinical Educators
Selected Works
Nowakowski K, Barrett M, Pappas K, Calendrillo M, Engaging in Population Health through an Academic-Clinic-Community Partnership Using Walk With Ease. Platform presentation at APTA CT, MA, NH, RI Virtual Regional Annual Conference, November 13, 2021.
Barrett M, Nowakowski, K., Pappas, K, Brooks, S. A structured, meaningful, and sustainable observation experience for pre-professional physical therapy students, Poster presented at APTA Education Leadership Conference, 2021, Atlanta, Georgia.
Nowakowski, K, Pelletier, D, Barrett, M, Drake, W. "Home Health: "Breaking into the ICE Arena"". Poster Presented at APTA Educational Leadership Conference 2019, Bellevue, Washington.