Erika Van Dyke | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台Springfield College Logo

Erika Van Dyke

Erika Van Dyke

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Contact Info


Erika Van Dyke, Springfield College
  • Doctor of Philosophy, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 2019
  • Master of Science, Springfield College, Springfield, MA, 2015
  • Bachelor of Science, University of California Davis, Davis, CA 2012

Erika D. Van Dyke, Ph.D., is an alumna of Springfield College and is returning to campus as a faculty member in the Athletic Counseling Program. She has authored book chapters and journal articles on topics in applied sport psychology, and has presented at national and international conferences. In 2016 Van Dyke received the American Psychological Association's Society for Sport, Exercise & Performance Psychology (APA Division 47) Master’s Thesis Award for her research on collegiate gymnasts’ use of self-talk and competitive performance throughout a season. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, photography, hiking to waterfalls, and practicing yoga.

Courses Taught
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Professional Studies in Athletic Counseling
Certifications and Memberships
  • Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP)
  • American Psychological Association (APA) APA
  • Division 47: Society for Sport, Exercise, & Performance Psychology
  • Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA)

Selected Works


  • Van Dyke, E. D., Tolentino, K., Readdy, T., & Raabe, J. (2021, October). An exploration of perfectionism as an antecedent of NCAA Division I coaches’ basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration. Lecture to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Van Dyke, E. D., Metzger, A., & Zizzi, S. (2020, October). Being mindful of perfectionism and performance among athletes in a judged sport. Lecture presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL.
  • Van Dyke, E. D., & Zizzi, S. (2019, October). Assessing the psychometric properties of mindfulness and perfectionism measures among intercollegiate gymnasts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Portland, OR.
  • Van Dyke, E. D., & Fairhurst, K. E. (2018, October). Motivational climate, enjoyment, and intent to continue in group exercise. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Toronto, ON.
  • Van Dyke, E., Van Raalte, J. L., Mullin, E., & Brewer, B. W. (2016, September). Exploring relationships among self-talk and balance beam performance in gymnastics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Van Dyke, E. D. (2016, August). Exploring relationships among self-talk and balance beam performance in gymnastics. Invited Master’s Thesis Award Lecture presented at the 124th American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, Denver, CO.
  • Shapiro, J., Van Raalte, J. L., & Van Dyke, E. D. (2015, July). Supervision for applied sport psychology trainees: Models and practice. Workshop conducted at the 14th European Congress of Sport Psychology, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Van Dyke, E. D., Van Raalte, J. L., Vincent, A., Johnson, A., Caldwell, C., Iwatsuki, T., Shu, J., Maaranen-Hincks, A., & Brewer, B. W. (2015, July). The effects of interrogative and declarative self-talk on performance: Replication and extension. Paper presented at the 14th European Congress of Sport Psychology, Bern, Switzerland.


  • Van Dyke, E. D., Metzger, A., & Zizzi, S. (2021). Being mindful of perfectionism and performance among NCAA gymnasts: A person-centered approach. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 15, 143-161. 021, 15, 143–161. doi: 10.1123/jcsp.2019-0100
  • Van Dyke, E. D., & Van Raalte, J. L. (2020). Sport and exercise in health psychology. In C. S. Richards & L. M. Cohen (Eds.). The Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology (pp. 407-416). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781119057840.ch175
  • Van Dyke, E. D., Van Raalte, J. L., Mullin, E. M., & Brewer, B. W. (2018). Self-talk and competitive balance beam performance. The Sport Psychologist, 32, 33-41. doi: 10.1123/tsp.2016-0085
  • Van Raalte, J. L., Cornelius, A. E., Mullin, E. M., Brewer, B. W., Van Dyke, E. D., Johnson, A. J., & Iwatsuki, T. (2018). I will use declarative self-talk...or will I? Replication, extension, and meta-analyses. The Sport Psychologist, 32, 16-25. doi: 10.1123/tsp.2016-0088
  • Maaranen-Hincks, A., Van Dyke, E. D., Jiang, S., Haznadar, A., & Van Raalte, J. L. (2016). Getting the most from supervision: Lessons on exploration, communication, and applications. In M. Aoyagi, A. Poczwardowski, & J. Shapiro (Eds.), The peer guide to applied sport psychology for consultants in training. New York, NY: Routledge/Psychology Press.