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Brian Thompson

Brian Thompson

Professor of Exercise Science and Sport Studies / Graduate Program Director of Sports Performance

Contact Info


  • Room 206
    Athletic Training and Exercise Science Facilities
Brian Thompson, faculty member in the strength and conditioning program
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois, Champaign, Ill., 1998
  • Master of Science, University of Illinois, Champaign, Ill., 1993
  • Bachelor of Science, Ball State University, Muncie, Ind., 1991

Brian Thompson is the director of strength and conditioning/head strength and conditioning coach, a professor of exercise science, and the graduate coordinator for the strength and conditioning program at Springfield College. In addition to teaching, he is responsible for the strength and conditioning program design and implementation for all teams at the College. Thompson began working in strength and conditioning in 1987 and has trained athletes at the elementary school, middle school, high school, collegiate, professional, Paralympic, and Olympic levels. He has presented and conducted strength and conditioning related workshops in Australia, China, Mexico, Taiwan, and throughout the United States. Brian Thompson was named by the National Strength and Conditioning Association 2021 College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year.

Courses Taught
  • Advanced Strength and Conditioning
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Strength and Conditioning Application
  • Exercise Testing and Prescription for Special Populations
  • Stress Management
  • Measurement and Evaluation
Certifications and Memberships
  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS*D)
  • Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach (RSCC*E)
  • Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC-ret)
  • Licensed Athletic Trainer (LAT)
  • USA Weightlifting Certified (USAW)
  • Functional Movement Systems Certified (FMS)
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association Member
  • National Athletic Trainers Association Member
  • Precision Nutrition Certified (PN1)

Selected Works


  • Guthrie, B, Fields, JB, Thompson, B, & Jones, MT. Physical Performance Assessments of Strength and Power in Women Collegiate Athletes. International Journal of Exercise Science 14(6): 984-993, 2021.
  • Jenkins CL, Ouellette K, Thompson B, Mullin E, Leinung M. Performance in Transgender Females Versus Cisgender Males and Females. JEPonline 2020;23(6) :62-76.
  •  Benham-Marin, N., Sotir, S., Thompson, B., O’Neill, E.  The Effects of the Menstruation Cycle Phases on Vertical and Horizontal Lower Body Power Output in Female Division III Athletes.  Poster and Abstract Presented at the NSCA National Conference and Exhibition:  Indianapolis, IN, July 14, 2018.
  • Dempsey, K., Thompson, B, Winter, C., & O’Neill, E.  Effects of Acute Resistance Exercise on Heart Rate Variability and Central Blood Pressure in Women.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 50(Supplement), May 2018.
  •  Faller, J., Sotir, S., Ouellette, K, Paolone, V. J., & Thompson, B. (2018) Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction and Power Development of the Lower Body. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise,  49 (5s), S14.
  • O’Neill, E., Roy, M.P., Vitti, S., Thompson, B.A., & Matthews, T.  Adaptations to Bone, Strength, Power, and Body Composition with Varying Training Protocols in Women.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 48(SS Supplement 1):991, May 2016.
  • Buskard, A., Wood, R., Mullin, E., Bruneau Jr., M., Jaghab, A., Thompson, B. Heart Rate Determined Rest Intervals in Hypertrophy-Type Resistance Training. (2016). Journal of Exercise Physiology online, 20 (1).
  • Jaffe, D., Matthews, T., Paolone, V., Mazur, S., Thompson, B.A., & Headley, S.A.  Effects of Chronic Beta-Alanine Injestion on Body Composition and Physical Performance Parameters in College-Aged Males Seeking Military Commission.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 48(SS Supplement 1):991, May 2016.
  • Buck, D., Hutchinson, J.C., Winter, C.R., & Thompson, B.A. (2015, April). The Effects of Mental Imagery on Self-Efficacy and Front Squat Performance. Sports, April 2016, 4,23.
  • Kong, T.Y., & Thompson, B.A.. Effects of Static Stretching, Dynamic Stretching, and Foam Rolling on Flexibility, Power, Strength, and Speed of Female Athletes. Poster and Abstract Presented at the NSCA National Conference and Exhibition: Orlando, FL, July 11, 2015.
  • Bergan, M., Hutchinson, J.C., Thompson, B.A., & Matthews, T.D. (2015, April). Female Athlete-Strength Coach Relationships, Motivational Climate, and Intrinsic Motivation in the Weight Room. Northeastern Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Springfield, MA.
  • Buck, D., Hutchinson, J.C., Winter, C.R., & Thompson, B.A. (2015, April). The Effects of Mental Imagery on Self-Efficacy and Front Squat Performance. Northeastern Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Springfield, MA.


  • “Developing a Year Long Strength Training Program for Wrestling”, BA Thompson, National Wrestling Coaches Association Virtual National Conference, July 28, 2021.
  • “How to Continue to Develop as a Strength Coach at Any Level”, BA Thompson, NSCA Connecticut State Clinic, June 4, 2021.
  • “How to Foster a Quality Internship Program”, BA Thompson, MK Feit, A Feit, M Bergan. National Strength and Conditioning Association Coaches Conference, January 8, 2021. 
  • "Designing a Functional Strength Training Program", BA Thompson.  Fall 2020 ACSM Clinical Exercise Physiology Association Conference, September 26, 2020.
  • “A Systematic Approach to Developing Strength and Conditioning Coaches”, BA Thompson.  National Strength and Conditioning Coaches Conference, San Antonio, TX, January 10, 2020.
  • “Philosophy on Developing Strength and Conditioning Coaches”, BA Thompson.  University of Rhode Island Chinese Coaches Delegation, October 22, 2019.
  • “Philosophy on Developing Athletes”, BA Thompson.  University of Rhode Island Chinese Coaches Delegation, October 22, 2019.
  • “Needs Analysis and Movement Prep”, BA Thompson.  University of Rhode Island Chinese Coaches Delegation, October 22, 2019.
  • “Linear and Lateral Speed Development”, BA Thompson.  University of Rhode Island Chinese Coaches Delegation, October 22, 2019.
  • “Periodization and Program Design”, BA Thompson.  University of Rhode Island Chinese Coaches Delegation, October 22, 2019.
  • “50 Mistakes Young Coaches Make”, BA Thompson.  National Strength and Conditioning Association Coaches Conference, Indianapolis, IN, January 12, 2019.
  • “Resume Writing and Interview Skill”, BA Thompson, S Caufield, R McKeeferey.  National Strength and Conditioning Association Coaches Conference, Indianapolis, IN, January 11, 2019.
  • “Priorities of Effective Internship Program”, BA Thompson, S Caufield, L Blinn, M Jones.  National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference and Exhibition, Indianapolis, IN, July 13, 2018.
  • “Keys to Developing Strength and Optimizing Power”, BA Thompson, Invited Speaker at Fall NEACSM, Providence, RI, October 20, 2017.
  • “Keys to Increasing Athletic Performance”, BA Thompson, Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China, July 3, 2017
  • “Strength and Explosive Training”, BA Thompson, Powerhouse Training, Tianjin, China, June 30, 2017, Tianjin, China.
  • “Designing and Implementing Strength Training Programs”, BA Thompson, 8 hour workshop at Better Ready Sports Performance, Beijing, China, June 28, 2017.
  • “Movement Preparation”, BA Thompson, ChinaFit Symposium and Exhibition, Beijing, China, June 27, 2017.
  • “Movement Assessment and Screening”, BA Thompson, ChinaFit Symposium and Exhibition, Beijing China, June 27, 2017.
  • “Practical Guide to Plyometrics”, BA Thompson, China Performance Training and Health Conference, Beijing, China, October 15, 2016.
  • “Optimizing Power”, BA Thompson, China Performance Training and Health Conference, Beijing, China, October 15, 2016.
  • “Keys to Developing Strength”, BA Thompson, China Performance Training and Health Conference, Beijing, China, October 15, 2016.
  • “Periodization and Program Design”, BA Thompson, I-FIT National Fitness Trainers Convention, Beijing, China, August 21, 2016.
  • “Training for Peak Sports Performance”, BA Thompson, I-FIT National Fitness Trainers Convention, Beijing, China, August 19, 2016.
  • “Developing Strength, Power, and Speed for Basketball”, BA Thompson, Beijing Sport University International Training Summit”, Beijing, China, September 13, 2015.
  • “Dialogue with the Masters”, BA Thompson, Beijing Sport University International Training Summit”, Beijing, China, September 12, 2015.
  • “Developing a Strength and Conditioning Philosophy”, BA Thompson, 1 day seminar presented to coaches and athletes from the Chinese Culture University in Taiwan. Springfield College, August 24, 2015.
  • “Keys to Increasing Exercise Performance”, BA Thompson, 5 day seminar presented to a group of 25 national team coaches at the Shandong Provincial Training Center, Jinan, China. July 31-August 5, 2015.
  • “Strength and Conditioning Coach Development”, BA Thompson, EliteFTS Podcast, February, 2015.
  • “Developing Strength and Conditioning Coaches:, BA Thompson, NSCA Northeast Regional Conference, October 1, 2014. Fitchburg, MA.
  • “Exercise, Strength, and Conditioning for Athletes with Disabilities”, BA Thompson, Hospital for Special Card Research and Education Center, September 20, 2014. New Britain, CT.
  • “Springfield College Strength and Conditioning”, BA Thompson, Iron Game Coaches Chalk Talk, July 2014.